Thursday 8 August 2013

Pedal power for Uganda

Often friendships that started in the first few years of life fall by the wayside as secondary school distractions come into play. But a group of local teenagers, most of whom went to Swainswick primary school, have maintained their connections and are determined to do more with their time than just party! 

These 6 lads who now all go to different secondary schools have come together to take a month out and volunteer at a school in rural Uganda.

The idea began to form when an English teacher from St. Michael’s school in  Busembatia was visiting. His enthusiasm and commitment was inspiring. “ But it was hard to hear about  the day to day struggles of these children without wanting to make a difference”

During their time  at St Michael’s the group will be engaging in sports activities, practical building work and IT projects. They’ll also be using their skills in music and video technology to assist in raising awareness of the school.

So now the boys are busy raising money to fund their trip which will take place in June 2014. Their first major fund raising activity is a cycle ride from Richmond park in London to Alice park in Bath. 

This will take place on the 7th and 8th September. 

“ If anyone would like to join us from the canal path by the George Inn at Bathampton to Alice Park it would be great to have some encouragement for that last mile. We’ll be there between 3.30 and 4.00pm ( you’ll recognise the Uganda logo on our T shirts!). Afterwards they’ll be cake and ice cream in Alice Park to celebrate ( and fund raise)  so please join us!”

For more information about the school and the boys fundraising activities visit:

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